Pastoral Care And Support
Pastoral Support at Bridgewater Park Primary
Kindness Integrity Tenacity
At Bridgewater Park Primary School, we pride ourselves on the fact that pupils are happy and enjoy coming to our school. We realise that supporting the pupils from a pastoral perspective is just as important as supporting the pupils academically. Our aim is to ensure that all of our pupils' basic needs are met to ensure that they can thrive in school.
Chris Boyd, our family support worker, works closely with our SENDCo Adam Owen focusing on pupils who may need further pastoral support. We monitor this on a regular basis and consistently review the support that we are offering to pupils to ensure that their basis needs are met.
We approach every situation with kindness and go above and beyond to ensure that pupils are safe and happy at our school. There are a number of things that we have put in place to support our pupils here ar Bridgewater Park:
- Breakfast club.
- Meet and greet at the gate.
- Designated support staff for pupils who need further support.
- Break time buddy support group.
- Emotional support interventions.
- Sensory breaks and sensory time.
- Class circle time.
- Jigsaw PSHE scheme.
- Regular visits with the police and fire service and other people who can help us.
- Implementation of feelings charts.
- Offer extra support to pupils who need to further explore and regulate emotions.
- Enrichment opportunities throughout the year.
- Assemblies and events link to British Values.
- Link with Halton's Mental Health team of nurses
- Bereavement Support
- Support for our families, not just our pupils.
- Mental health intervention support