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Literacy & Maths

For Literacy, we follow Pathways to Writing, Pathways to Reading and Read, Write Inc. The Pathways work scheme which exposes pupils to quality texts alongside a range of authors. Pathways to Writing texts allow pupils to delve into a diverse range of stories from different time periods, and various cultures. The scheme embeds spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout, allowing pupils to develop their understanding of how to write across a range of different genres.

The scheme encompasses a metacognitive, allowing pupils to revisit and review previously taught skills. We want our children to understand that writing is a process whereby they exercise the tools they have at their disposal to inform, entertain, argue and persuade other readers. Children are supported through the whole of the writing process, as they are given opportunities to plan, draft, edit and redraft their writing. They are then able to take pride in their work, presenting their writing to their peers and celebrating their achievements. 

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Alongside our Pathways to Writing scheme, which teaches spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout, we also teach a stand-alone 1-hour grammar session each week. This allows pupils to gain an understanding of the functions of grammar and how this can impact our writing. We use Pathways to Spelling and pupils have three spelling sessions each week, where they focus on spelling patterns relevant to their ability and age. 

Pathways to Reading

At Bridgewater Park we place a big emphasis on reading and value the importance of this skill. Pupils have a 40-minute reading session every day. 

We aim to teach children to:

  • Read with fluency, accuracy and understanding.
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
  • Develop a love of reading, stretching their imagination.
  • Use texts as a resource to enhance knowledge and understanding of vocabulary.
  • How to comprehend a text using a variety of skills based on the key content domains. 

Pathways to Reading allows pupils to develop an understanding of the different reading content domains and focusses on modelling and guiding pupils through the reading and comprehension process before applying their understanding independently.

Children are encouraged to demonstrate their reading fluency using a paired reading approach to give pupils the opportunity to read for a sustained period of time, every day.

Pupils are assessed every 6 weeks and are given a specific reading age. This allows us to closely match the texts that the pupils are accessing against their current level to ensure that pupils are able to access the texts along with a level of challenge.

Children read to an adult several times a week in school, either 1:1 or within lessons according to their needs; we ask parents and carers' children at home to hear their child read daily.

book shelves with books in baskets and a wall with a mural of cartoon characters reading

book shelves with books in baskets and a wall with a mural of cartoon characters reading


At Bridgewater Park we place a big emphasis on early reading and ensure that pupils are given the opportunity to learn to read the minute they start at Bridgewater Park. Through training and tailored support, we ensure teachers have the knowledge and determination to teach every child, regardless of age, background or need.

Phonics is taught daily as part of our reading sessions using the Read Write Inc. approach. This is a complete programme which develops children’s phonic knowledge and fluency in reading from an early age. As part of the programme, children are also taught to build skills in comprehension and are given a daily opportunity to read books matched to their phonic ability.

Phonic sessions are delivered in small groups across reception to year two, teaching children to their next steps. This ensures all children, regardless of their age, are getting daily phonics input appropriate to their ability.  

The children are regularly assessed and grouped according to their ability, working with a teacher or teaching assistant to move through the programme at a pace.

Following the programme, children in Year 1 are required to take a statutory check to assess their understanding of phonics. These results are then shared with parents on the end of year reports. For those children who need further support, phonics will continue into the following year.

Reading through the curriculum

We also offer a range of reading through the curriculum in a variety of different ways. Each year, pupils visit our local library and take part in fun sessions with our Halton librarians. Here they learn how a library works and how to access books within the library. Pupils also have the opportunity to visit our class library each week and select their own reading book, matched specifically to their reading age. We also support our pupils with their reading development in the following ways: 

  • Pupils take part in a reading age assessment every 6 weeks, this gives us a specific age and ZPD level so that we can ensure that the texts they're selecting for their personal reading book is appropriate and accessible. 
  • Pupils who need further support with their reading have 1:1 reading support throughout the week. 
  • Pupils who need further support with their phonics receive phonics 1:1 tutoring on a daily basis. 
  • Every half term, each class votes on a class text, this is then read to the class as part of our reading for pleasure offer. 
  • Pupils are invited to talk in assembly and share any books which they have enjoyed and are able to recommend this to other pupils in the school. 
  • As part of our growing up great curriculum, pupils read a range of texts linked to our school values. 
  • Reading buddy group where our older pupils take part in 1:1 reading with our younger pupils. 

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately’

At Bridgewater Park School we aim to ensure that all children develop a deep understanding of mathematics. The four key strands for achieving mastery are: 

  • Representing ideas using a range of structures (these can include but are not restricted to bar models)
  • Using highly aspirational language, encouraging children to reason to make clear connections between ideas
  • Variation of problems, activities and mathematical ideas both procedurally and conceptually so that children can make deep connections
  • Children should be able to automatically recall key mathematical facts and achieve mastery by fluently using these in a variety of contexts. 

Mathematics is taught daily at Bridgewater Park giving children the opportunity to observe, practise and apply key mathematical concepts. Children are currently taught a discrete session of arithmetic once per week, as well as four sessions using the scheme ‘Maths – No Problem!’ in individual year groups. We believe that this systematic and aspirational approach to mathematical learning, embeds learning and creates meaningful changes to the long-term memory of our children. 

‘Maths - No Problem’ uses an evidence-based approach to teaching maths, helping pupils to develop and secure a depth of understanding. Pupils are given opportunity and time to expand their knowledge and understanding at a relational level rather than through a set of rules or procedures, resulting with greater progress. 

‘Maths – No Problem’ is an inclusive approach with strong emphasis on encouraging various methods of solving a problem. Pupils are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems within each topic and have opportunity to explore and develop their understanding through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract. During lessons, children work in mixed ability pairs and are encouraged to talk about their ideas, spot patterns and explain their thinking through the use of probing questions. Through the use of this approach, we aim for all children to develop a curiosity and love of maths as they master their understanding of this great subject.