Curriculum Overview January 2023- July 2023
Term/Year Group |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Year 1/2 |
History: Toys through time
DT: Leavers and Sliders
Science: Everyday materials |
Geography: The Geography of our School/Where are we in the UK?
Art: Textiles- Wax Resist- Henry Moore
Science: Plants |
History: Holidays from the Past
DT: Freestanding Leavers and Sliders
Science: The Animal World |
Geography: Why Different Weather?
Art: Collage- abstract – Mural/movement- Henry Matise
Science: Environmental Science |
Year 3/4 |
History: Stone Age
DT: Food- healthy and varied diet
Science: Light and Shadows |
Geography: Naples
Art: Textiles- weaving
Science: Structure and Function of Plants |
History: Ancient Egypt
DT: Mechanisms- wheels and axels
Science: Rocks |
Geography: Rural and Urban UK
Art: Collage and photography
Science: Environmental Science |
Year 5/6 |
History: Romans & Anglo Saxons: What did they do for me?
DT: Mechanical Systems- gears, pulleys and leavers
Science: Properties of Materials |
Geography: Trade Across the Globe
Art: Textiles- Batik
Science: Earth and Space |
History: The Vikings
DT: Food- healthy and varied diet
Science: Environmental Science |
Geography: Brazil
Art: Collage and digital media printing
Science: Lifecycles and Reproduction |