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Hello and welcome to Norton’s class page. Norton is made up of both year 5 and year 6 pupils and are taught by Mrs Hudson and Mr Davey.

Mrs Hudson teachers English and maths to year 6 pupils and Mr Davey teaches English and maths to year 5 pupils. Mr Davey teacher’s curriculum to both year 5 and 6 pupils in the afternoon. Norton also has support from Mrs Hopkinson (HLTA) who takes the class swimming alongside teaching the class music and PSHE.

Norton have PE on a Thursday and therefore should come to school in the correct PE uniform on this day.

Homework is given out every Monday and is to be handed in on a Friday. Reading also forms part of our homework policy, pupils are expected to read on a regular basis, at home, with an adult who is then to sign the child’s reading diary.

If there is any other information you require, please contact the school office.