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At Bridgewater Park Primary School, we believe that mathematics is essential to everyday life, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares children well for everyday life and future employment. Through our curriculum design, we ensure that all children can develop the mathematical skills and knowledge needed to become successful citizens of the world. Our approach enables children to be numerate, independent, enquiring and confident.


The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately’

At Bridgewater Park School we aim to ensure that all children develop a deep understanding of mathematics. The four key strands for achieving mastery are: 

  • Representing ideas using a range of structures (these can include but are not restricted to bar models)
  • Using highly aspirational language, encouraging children to reason to make clear connections between ideas
  • Variation of problems, activities and mathematical ideas both procedurally and conceptually so that children can make deep connections
  • Children should be able to automatically recall key mathematical facts and achieve mastery by fluently using these in a variety of contexts. 

Mathematics is taught daily at Bridgewater Park giving children opportunity to observe, practise and apply key mathematical concepts. Children are currently taught a discrete session of arithmetic once per week, as well as four sessions using the scheme ‘Maths – No Problem!’ in individual year groups. We believe that this systematic and aspirational approach to mathematical learning, embeds learning and creates meaningful changes to the long-term memory of our children. 

‘Maths - No Problem’ uses an evidence-based approach to teaching maths, helping pupils to develop and secure a depth of understanding. Pupils are given opportunity and time to expand their knowledge and understanding at a relational level rather than through a set of rules or procedures, resulting with greater progress. 

‘Maths – No Problem’ is an inclusive approach with strong emphasis on encouraging various methods of solving a problem. Pupils are challenged with rich and sophisticated problems within each topic and have opportunity to explore and develop their understanding through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract. During lessons, children work in mixed ability pairs and are encouraged to talk about their ideas, spot patterns and explain their thinking through the use of probing questions. Through the use of this approach, we aim for all children to develop a curiosity and love of maths as they master their understanding of this great subject.